Weekly Photo Challenge: Palisadoes

This week’s Weekly Photo Challenge was about the Sea. What does it mean to me, what kind of emotions are evoked when one thinks of the sea, what’s interesting about it?!

I could go into the calming nature of the sea as opposed to its terrifying nature when a storm approaches, but that’s not the case today.

Living on an island surrounded by the Caribbean Sea, one would think a trip to the beach would or could be an everyday affair. Some of us work in close proximity to the Kingston harbour where the sea is always visible, while others work in our popular resort towns like Ocho Rios, Montego Bay, and Negril, where there is a long stretch of beach front easily accessible to anyone.

But, if you live in Kingston, like myself, there is at least a 45 minute drive to get to the nearest beach which is probably the reason why a beach trip has always been a family affair – for me at least. And ‘family’ I mean close friends, potential friends, and actual family.

Last night, my likkle fambily and I took a trip to the Palisadoes to watch the sunset.


It wasn’t a remarkable sunset. Truth be told, the sun had already disappeared by the time we got to the strip but the sky was still lit, the air was cool and refreshing, and it was pleasant to see other families out watching the sunset.

The children were fascinated with skipping stones across the surface of the water. Luna, mi likkle one-pop, became fascinated with the splashing of the stones in the water.


And I became fascinated with the dancing street lights reflected in the water.


At the end of the day, I was grateful for the likkle fambily outage, the cool-cool afternoon watching the sunset with other families, and seeing the intrigue and delight in mi likkle furball as she ran a mock amongst the other children.

That trip as simple as it was, was a great trip.



  1. And that is what life is all about – the likkle moments! Family and friends and the babes all together watching the day turn into night – it’s beautiful. I so love that last photo – it is a poignant shot heavy with night-fall pushing away the day …. Nice work!


So tell me . . . what do you think?