About that . . .

It’s about wearing that smile when our insides are tearing apart.

It’s about wearing our crown while our worlds turn upside down.

It’s about supporting our men and challenging them to be better than they were before.

It’s about encouraging our sisters in the ways we’d appreciate, and loving others the way they should be loved.

It’s about being a mother to all while not bearing one.

It’s about raising our children in a way so that they may know God.

It’s about being that calm in the storm even when one rages on.

It’s about that soft answer that turns away wrath, especially when we’re drenched in our own.

It’s not about being the prettiest woman in the room, with the straightest or curliest hair and the bluest eyes, with perfectly painted lips and tips. It’s not about the dress we wear, or our size, or our shape. It’s not even about the colour of our skin, or where we live.

It’s about being the corrected version of creation.

(I’m just kidding) (Or am I?!)

Today, it’s about Happy International Women’s Day.

Today we celebrate all Women: mothers, wives, girlfriends, sisters, female friends, daughters, coworkers, even the woman we just walked past whom we have no idea who she is. It doesn’t matter where she’s from, all Women are celebrated today.

Celebrate You today, Woman!

We are fearfully and WONDERFULLY made!!!

Borrowed from FatInTheCity





  1. Amen!! Sing oh barren woman, who births more than her that has given birth! In our barren and places of lack, thank you for the beautiful word of encouragement!! Blessings for a wonderful day!!

    Liked by 1 person

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